Hi, my name is Dolphyn Boschman, owner of Inphynite Phreedom Lifestyle Management for over 30 years. Inphynite Phreedom is based upon the Ancient Chinese Philosophy of the Five Element System. In this system each element:
Has its own unique characteristics and functions; at the same time, inter-relates with the other elements in a dynamic relationship to create a WHOLE SYSTEM to promote Balance, Regeneration and Longevity. Click on each element for details.
As a Registered Holistic Health Practitioner, Licensed Massage Therapist, Jikiden Reiki Instructor, Wholistic Nutritionist and Martial Artist my business offers a complete package of improving one’s health in all four quadrants of life: Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Physical. Balance is achieved when all four quadrants are consciously recognized and healthy daily practices are applied for each. Click on ,
for more details.
I am the Canadian Wholesale Distributor of Egyptian Magic Skin Cream offering stores or individuals retail opportunities with this international best selling skin cream. Click on for more details.
I am a Business Leader with Sunrider International helping others create a home-based business with the best compensation plan and finest whole food products on the planet. Click on for more details.
I first began my journey into Holistic Health as a University of Saskatchewan track and field athlete. Seeing the benefits that massage, physiotherapy and good nutrition had on my performance as an athlete, I decided that I wanted to explore these sciences in greater depth. After finishing my Bachelor of Education at the University of Saskatchewan I decided to move to San Diego California where one of the best Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP) programs existed at the International Professional School of Bodywork (IPSB). At IPSB, I received my Massage Therapy and Holistic Practitioner training with a core curriculum in Psychology creating Psychologically Sensitive Body-Workers.
I went on to specialize in Eastern philosophy and modalities such as Tui Na, Shiatsu, Thai, Qi Gong, Tai Chi. I also participated in their Teacher Training Program and taught at IPSB for a year before I moved to Vancouver BC Canada.
In Vancouver, I established a successful private practice along with working in the Vitamin Department at Capers Health Food Store (which would later be bought out by Whole Foods Market). It is at Capers where I discovered Egyptian Magic Skin Cream. I began using it in my massage practice and saw amazing results with problem skin such as eczema and psoriasis; along with many other wonderful benefits and uses. Just before I left Vancouver, I was approached by the owner of Egyptian Magic to take on the role of Canadian Wholesale Distributor. See for more details.
It is also in Vancouver where I met my Business Mentor in Sunrider International who taught me invaluable lessons on how to run a successful home-based business. See for more details.
After almost seven years, I left Vancouver to move back to Saskatoon to build my Holistic Health Business and bring greater health awareness to Saskatoon. Along with my successful private practice, Sunrider and Egyptian Magic businesses I also fully developed a Cleansing Program to help teach people how to go through a cleansing process safely and effectively. The spring cleanse is very popular and many people enjoy doing them in a group setting. I also offer them for individuals. See for more details.
In 2011 I began my training in Jikiden Reiki through the Jikiden Reiki Institute in Kyoto, Japan. Sensei Tadao Yamaguchi travels a few times a year to Canada to share the original teachings of Mikao Usui (the Founder of Reiki). Yamaguchi Sensei learned from his mother Chiyoko Yamaguchi who learned from Hayashi Sensei who was one of the original students of Usui Sensei. This information was once thought lost to the world and to have the original Japanese writings and teachings is a gift of authenticity to a wonderful healing art. See for more details.
I went on to get my Shihan Kaku (Assistant Master Teacher) status. This qualifies me to teach the Shoden (Level 1) Jikiden Reiki Course. I offer these courses a few times a year in Saskatoon. I am also available to teach outside of Saskatoon if there is a group who wants to bring me in. See for more details.
I also offer body awareness and stress reduction seminars for schools; corporations or any group interested in improving productivity through a positive, ethical, holistic, progressive influence on themselves and others. See for more details.
I love living in Saskatoon and feel very blessed to be able to share my passion of Holistic Health in this community as well as globally.